Red Mars: A Martian Misadventure with Unnecessary Detours Summary Red Mars, the first book in Kim Stanley Robinson's Mars Trilogy, embarks on a grandiose journey to the Red Planet, laying the groundwork for humanity's colonization and terraforming efforts. The novel begins with the selection and training of the First Hundred, a diverse group of scientists, engineers, and specialists chosen to spearhead this monumental mission. The narrative kicks off with their voyage to Mars aboard the spaceship Ares, setting the stage for the establishment of the first human settlement. The colonists face numerous challenges, from the harsh Martian environment and technical difficulties to the psychological strain of isolation and the complex social dynamics within their community. One of the key figures is John Boone, the first man to walk on Mars, whose charisma and leadership play a pivotal role in the colonization efforts. Frank Chalmers, his rival, is driven by political ambition and per